Diversity Generates Growth

It’s interesting to me how the church in our culture loves to divide itself into groups. We have “youth” group, “college” group, “singles” group, “young adult” group, “men’s” group, “women’s” group, so on and so forth. I’m not saying this is wrong, and I know it provides certain benefits. However, I think when that becomes our primary context, it really robs us of something. I believe that diversity provides the greatest context for growth. While it feels the most comfortable to be with others like us, those who can “commiserate” and closely relate with us in our season of life, we actually will experience the greatest forward momentum when fellowshipping with those across many different seasons of life. If you want to be called higher, find those who have lived through your season of life, steady in the Lord. If you want to regain something that the cares of life have choked out, find those who are young and vibrant, and allow yourself to be provoked. Again, this isn’t intended to speak out against having these groups across the board, as I know they have some value – just to remind us that there’s a real danger of inhibiting our growth if that becomes our primary fellowship environment.

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