This is not an easy topic to write about. Christians are sharply divided on this issue, and to make matters worse, our attitudes concerning the topic of Obama’s presidency have been largely shaped by the political landscape and cultural rhetoric, instead of founded first foremost on the Word of God, and secondarily on a solid understanding of history and of our constitution.
The Pursuit of Riches
During my (relatively short) lifetime, I’ve sadly seen many in the church lose themselves in the pursuit of wealth (or “financial freedom”, as it’s now popular to call it). Now, if you’re a believer who’s pursuing financial freedom, take a deep breath. Before you jump to conclusions about my opinions, or begin arming yourself with ammunition to argue with me, hear me out. First of all, I don’t believe that prospering or having material blessings (including money) is inherently wrong. Furthermore, I do believe that God raises up, and will continue to raise up, believers who have financial resources for Kingdom purposes (or to aid them in their personal assignments).
That said, I’ve witnessed time and time again those who fall victim to theĀ love of money, usually without their awareness. In the process, their hearts drift from Christ-centeredness, their theology becomes skewed, and their relationships begin to revolve around their new value system. Most times, they don’t even realize these things are happening.
The False Justice Movement
As I was praying in the shower last night, something began to stir on my heart that has often been a subject of reflection for me. With what is unfolding around us (both in our nation and abroad), I feel that this phenomenon is a matter of increasing urgemcy and importance for the church. It is the rise of what I’m calling the “False Justice Movement” – and hidden inside it is something evil and insidious.
Post-Election Thoughts
Though I understand it, it’s sad to me that so many see Trump’s election as primarily being indicative of how racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and/or islamophobic America has become (or still is). The reality is, Trump has said some despicable things. It’s truly my belief, though, that the majority of those who voted for Trump did so in SPITE of these off the cuff remarks he’s made, not because of them. I’m sure there are exceptions – there will always be spiteful people while the world is still under the sway of darkness. Yet, I think by and large, that’s not the composition of his voters. Though I can imagine what groups who feel attacked or criticized by Trump would be feeling about an America that would elect him, I feel that for most of America, this was a difficult yet calculated vote – aimed not at normalizing rude speech, but at putting the brakes on an alarming trajectory (in the realm of politics and policy).